Emergency placements: This is commonly known as same day placements (within 24 hours). Paramount Foster Care will accommodate 24/7, all year-round emergency placements.
Respite placements: Offer families, children and young people respite or a break from complex family dynamics. Well planned breaks may prevent disruptions to a placement or problems becoming too difficult to manage in the future. To support placement demands and needs, short breaks/respite will also be offered to our own foster carers.
Short-term placements: This placement can last a few days, weeks or months. A child or young person in this placement may be awaiting a more permanent placement with a long-term foster family, adoption, move back with birth parents or move to assigned Guardians.
Long-term Placements: This is where a child or young person is expected to remain in care until independence (usually 18 years). Paramount Foster Care will offer permanent placements for children and young people, where either adoption or rehabilitation to family is not an option.
Solo placements: Paramount Foster Care will provide care for children and young people whose needs require a higher level of support and supervision, which precludes the placement of any other child or young person alongside.
Staying-Put arrangements: Enables young people to remain in their foster placement post 18 to support their transition into adulthood.
Paramount Foster Care will provide support to the Foster Carer(s) in accommodating such requests. Placement options offer fostering experience to:
➢ Individual children
➢ Sibling groups
➢ Children additional needs
➢ Parent & child
➢ Unaccompanied children
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